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Karlstorbahnhof e.V.

Gemeinnütziges Kulturzentrum in Heidelberg

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BLANK presents: Interplanetary Criminal Dr Dubplate, ESC, Diffrent b2b Nickolai & Victroija

Fr 12.01.24 / 22:00 / Klub (Südstadt)

Klub (Südstadt)

Vorverkauf 13,00 €

Bild: BLANK presents: Interplanetary Criminal Dr Dubplate, ESC, Diffrent b2b Nickolai & Victroija

We’re kicking off the new year with a huge blast featuring a billing your heart wasn’t ready for! We’re beyond excited to welcome not only the UKG genius himself, Mr. Interplanetary Criminal, for his long-anticipated debut at our decks, but also the mastermind behind the hottest UK imprint around, ec2e, the one & only Dr. Dubplate, for a dream of a double headline. And there’s evenmore! Rounding up the night, we have the incredible talents who are ESC from London and Nickolai from Nottingham – both for the first time in Germany, German Garage prodigy Diffrent, and last but not least, amazing local support by our girl Vitroija! No more words needed, you know you can’t miss out on this one! Join us! 🔥

Interplanetary Criminal
Dr Dubplate
Nickolai b2b Diffrent

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