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Karlstorbahnhof e.V.

Gemeinnütziges Kulturzentrum in Heidelberg

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Home / One

Two short dance pieces & a workshop by Rebeka Kardoš

So 02.07.23 / 15:00 / TiK

Bild: Home / One

Die Choreografin Rebeka Kardoš ist aus Kroatien nach Heidelberg gezogen und präsentiert zusammen mit weiteren Tänzer*innen zwei kurze Stücke im TiK. Das erste Stück heißt HOME und beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie sich die Vorstellung von Heimat durch Auswanderung verändert. Zu diesem Stück wird es einen Workshop geben, der das Thema zusammen mit dem Publikum vertieft. Das zweite Stück heißt ONE und handelt von komplizierten Beziehungskonstellationen zwischen Intimität und Freundschaft.

Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt und dauert etwa eine Stunde. Wir bitten um Anmeldung per Email an: anmeldung@karlstorbahnhof.de

Mehr Informationen zu den Inhalten:


This Dance piece is separated in the two main pieces, first one, more experimental, where each dancer is exploring a term HOME in words and body movement, term home for each person means something else, unique and authentic, so we wanted to express diversity of it’s meaning and how it is a long process to find what is HOME for you. We are representing fluid body collected of different authentic parts, people, who made it together, one unique organism, as we search HOME in different people, situations, places and professions, but people are always staying „in media res”, as we are first of all, social beings.

Second part is more performative, with technical and Lyrical jazz focus. It is showing a process of searching home through life, where we ask ourselves where is it, how to achieve it, and how to arrive to it? It is passionate, dynamic and strong. It is a constant process, and it could change through the period of time. Home can be different places and different people at the same time as well. We finish with leaving the audience space to think about it, where is their home and did they start searching for it or even found it already? Concept came as a question of a personal metter of a choreographer, Rebeka Kardoš, after she moved to Heidelberg from Croatia, questioning what is home for her, where and with whom? Developing the idea from there, she realised that other people and her students are sharing this questioning with her, especially all of the people who moved to a new country, searching for new opportunities, new life and potentially new home there.


„It is a Lyrical Jazz choreo, which is representing complicated love relationship between two people, it is not neccesserly intimate relationship, but also a friendship between two people. What is happening if the feelings are two strong and how we can support each other no metter what? It is dynamic choreo of two girls, showing love, intense emotions, support, arguing and finding their true feelings again for each other in the end, as starting point of resolving today’s complicated relationships, it is important we are always coming from place of love and support, and deep understanding for each other, and than every uncomfortable situation or conflict is easier to resolve.