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Against the Current Ausverkauft
The Fever Tour
Support: Yours Truly
Do 21.04.22 / 21:00 / Saal (Altstadt)

Mit einer Wende hin zu ihrem Innersten beschwören Against the Current die pure Essenz ihres Sounds, eine Balance der Kräfte zwischen spannungsgeladenen Gitarren, treibenden Beats und starken Vocals. Das Trio – Chrissy Costanza [Gesang], Dan Gow [Gitarre], and Will Ferri [Schlagzeug] – stellen sich ohne jede Furcht ihren Schwachstellen und verschmelzen Unsicherheiten, Zweifel und innere Kämpfe zu empowernden Hymnen. Fast 1 Milliarde Streams und ausverkaufte Shows auf zahleichen Kontinenten geben ihnen Recht in ihrer Interpretation von Rockmusik als eine rohe Form der Katharsis, die sie mit ihrer 2021 veröffentlichten EP „fever“ voll ausleben.
Die Wiedergeburt kam instinktiv nach Jahren intensiver Zusammenarbeit. 2011 erschienen sie erstmals als feurige Kraft in der internationalen Musikszene. Zwischen ihren hochgelobten Alben “In Our Bones” [2016] and “Past Lives” [2019], taten sich Against The Current mit League of Legends zusammen für “Legends Never Die” das als Titelsong des League of Legends World Championships 2017 über 500 Millionen Streams erreichte. Ihre neue EP “fever” kündigten sie mit der Single “that won’t save us” an – und sammelten direkt Millionen Streams und kräftiges Lob in der Musikpresse ein. Mit dem zweiten Track “weapon” ging es Anfang 2021 direkt so weiter. Jetzt kommt endlich die Ankündigung ihrer nächsten großen Headliner-Tour durch die USA und Europa!
Support Act: Yours Truly
Opening Act: Halflives
Fueled By Ramen recording artist Against The Current have unveiled their new EP fever, available now on all streaming services. The seven-track collection marks the first new body of work since the group’s 2018 album Past Lives, and is heralded by an official music video for “jump,” which is streaming now on Against The Current’s official YouTube channel. In celebration of the release, the trio have also announced a run of U.S. and European headline tour dates, kicking off this September.
Elaborating on the EP, Costanza commented, “In some ways, this is a debut. We have so many inspirations from the past, but we merged those with what currently inspires us to create something new. We finally figured it out. You can burn down the past version of yourself and become who you think you are now. This is undeniably Against The Current.”
Against The Current have earned accolades and a faithful fan following with their brand of pop, rock, and indie sounds. The group’s 2018 sophomore effort Past Lives was praised by Billboard for its “euphoric hooks” and garnered attention from the likes of NME and Upset Magazine, while debut album In Our Bonesimmediately entered Billboard’s “Top New Artists” chart at #2 upon its May 2016 release.
Led by charismatic singer Chrissy Costanza alongside Dan Gow (guitar, vocals) and Will Ferri (drums, keyboards, vocals), the band has quickly established themselves as an original force all their own. Known for their thrilling live shows, ATC has headlined three of their own world tours, including 2018’s “Past Lives World Tour,” played on Reading and Leeds’ Main Stage in 2019 and were greeted by an in-person audience of 50,000 and nearly 100 million streaming at Beijing National Stadium for their performance of the official 2017 League of Legends World Championship anthem, “Legends Never Die.”
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